intimate partner violence
International Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic violence numbers are on the rise with #ShelterInPlace orders during the pandemic of Covid-19. Also known as #StayAtHome orders, these put victims of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and sexual violence at a higher risk. The home may be the most dangerous place for many people.
“Do not give up. Help is available. Make a safety plan to escape. Make a phone call.”~CL Valens, Domestic Violence Survivor
International Domestic Violence Lines:
US: 800-799-7233
Americans overseas: 833-SAFE-833 or 1-866-879-6636
UK: 0808-2000-247
Canada: 866-863-0511
Mexico: 01800-422-5256
Australia: 180 -737-732
New Zealand: 0800-733-843
India: 8793088814
China: 010-68333388
South Africa: (+27 11) 715-2000
Brazil: 1: +55-51-211-2888
Argentina: 0800-666-8537
Puerto Rico: 787-765-2285
Dominican Republic: 809-200-1202
Holidays and Domestic Violence
Holidays and Domestic Violence
Holidays are a time for celebration with friends and relatives. For domestic violence victims, it can be exhausting and dangerous.
Your abuser may appear as a perfect person in people’s eyes. Pay attention to what they are doing. Are they drinking too much? Are they arguing with people?
When I realized my abuser was getting drunk, I asked him to leave the celebration. Sometimes he would leave before he was out of control. Other times, he would ignore me.
He would always remind me how I embarrassed him. No one knew about the abuse. I dreaded all invitations because of the years of abusive behavior.
When we spent birthdays and holidays at home, I feared what the abuser would do to ruin another celebration.
Now that I am away from my abuser, I can enjoy holidays, even if I am alone.
If you are living with your abuser, I pray for your protection. May you find peace and healing this holiday season, if you have escaped the abuse.
updated 11/26/22