International Domestic Violence Hotlines
Domestic violence numbers are on the rise with #ShelterInPlace orders during the pandemic of Covid-19. Also known as #StayAtHome orders, these put victims of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and sexual violence at a higher risk. The home may be the most dangerous place for many people.
“Do not give up. Help is available. Make a safety plan to escape. Make a phone call.”~CL Valens, Domestic Violence Survivor
International Domestic Violence Lines:
US: 800-799-7233
Americans overseas: 833-SAFE-833 or 1-866-879-6636
UK: 0808-2000-247
Canada: 866-863-0511
Mexico: 01800-422-5256
Australia: 180 -737-732
New Zealand: 0800-733-843
India: 8793088814
China: 010-68333388
South Africa: (+27 11) 715-2000
Brazil: 1: +55-51-211-2888
Argentina: 0800-666-8537
Puerto Rico: 787-765-2285
Dominican Republic: 809-200-1202
Donation Perks-1st Annual Golden Tangerine Innov-E Film Awards
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Golden Tangerine Innov-E Film Award T-shirt
Empowering Others to Leave Domestic Violence
C.L. Valens is a domestic violence survivor. After many years, she finally summoned the confidence and courage to leave her abuser. Writing is a way that has helped her heal.
“Domestic Violence Survivor Handbook, Steps to Freedom”, is an informative, practical guide to leave domestic violence. This educational tool can help reduce the anxiety of not knowing what to do next. You may purchase it on Amazon Kindle as an eBook or hard copy version. It is also available on Kobo and Nook as an eBook.
“During the many years, I was with my abuser; I suffered verbal, financial, emotional, psychological, physical, property damage, technological and sexual abuse. Stalking me was his way of letting me know he could still get to me, to hurt me. This book can help educate everyone about the steps needed to get away from domestic violence. It includes some of the services available to survivors. It gives insight into some of the things that I went through, so people will know that a survivor wrote it.”~C.L. Valens
She has made a commitment to help survivors with their journey to freedom, health and happiness.
C.L. is available to speak at your churches, networking events, conferences, medical offices and businesses. Hear her story of empowerment and healing.
Domestic violence touches families all over the world. It does not matter the religion, race, social-economic status, or gender.
You may contact her at [email protected].
A percentage of all her book sales and speaking engagements will be donated to Innov-E Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit.
What can I do to help Haiti?
That question was on my mind after the last disaster. Visiting with one of our volunteers, she mentioned that her mother wanted to make dresses for girls and maybe she could help girls in Haiti.
Now a few months later the lady, who is almost 100 years old, has made and sent 100 dresses to Jérémie, Haiti; in collaboration with the Haitian Health Foundation.
Our nonprofit, Innov-e Foundation Inc, was at the same time raising funds for Haiti.
Online Shopping can Support Innov-E Foundation
Did you know your online shopping can support Innov-E Foundation Inc.?
By signing up with our new fundraising partner, Ziggedy, you will generate donations to Innov-E Foundation Inc. every time you shop online from stores like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Nordstrom, at no additional cost to you!
How does it work?
When you click through Ziggedy before you shop, an average of 2.5% (up to 30% depending on the retailer) of your purchase price will be donated to Innov-E Foundation Inc., without costing you one extra penny!
Getting started is easy and support Innov-E Foundation Inc. every time you shop online, please take a moment to create your Ziggedy account at: www.ziggedy.com/innovef/signup.
To learn more about Innov-E Foundation go to our website: Innov-e Foundation.
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