Online Shopping can Support Innov-E Foundation
Did you know your online shopping can support Innov-E Foundation Inc.?
By signing up with our new fundraising partner, Ziggedy, you will generate donations to Innov-E Foundation Inc. every time you shop online from stores like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Nordstrom, at no additional cost to you!
How does it work?
When you click through Ziggedy before you shop, an average of 2.5% (up to 30% depending on the retailer) of your purchase price will be donated to Innov-E Foundation Inc., without costing you one extra penny!
Getting started is easy and support Innov-E Foundation Inc. every time you shop online, please take a moment to create your Ziggedy account at:
To learn more about Innov-E Foundation go to our website: Innov-e Foundation.
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