Innove-E Foundation

Innove-E Foundation


Help for Addictions

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.

You can find peace and tranquility through repeating the serenity prayer. This prayer is part of 12-step programs.   

Isolation, mental health issues, abuse, and financial problems may lead to thoughts of ways to ease stress and fear. Those with addictions may find this time challenging. One mistake can cause a relapse. If you feel that drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, or over-eating are taking over your life, there is help.

Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery to addicts around the world.

Alcoholics Anonymous offers recovery from alcoholism.

Overeaters Anonymous is a program for people with problems related to food and overeating.

Gamblers Anonymous is a group of people who support each other to overcome gambling addiction and help others do the same.

Nicotine Anonymous (“NicA”) is a non-profit, 12-step fellowship of people helping each other live nicotine-free lives.

There are groups for family members and friends of drug addicts and alcoholics. They benefit those struggling to deal with addicted family or friends. It is very hard to see someone you love addicted.

Unfortunately, I know from firsthand experience the downfall of family members from addictions. You try to rescue them, which can take a toll on your own health. Letting them go is difficult.

These groups can help you learn how to let go of the addict if it becomes necessary. You can learn ways to deal with the addicted person.

Nar-Anon Family Groups: A 12-step program for family and friends of addicts.

Al-Anon: Help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics.

Narateen is for Teenagers Affected by Someone Else’s Addiction. Find a narateen meeting

Alateen is a place just for teens affected by someone else’s alcoholism. Teen corner alateen

“Abuse is known to have a relationship with addiction.” Read more about domestic abuse and it’s connection to addiction. Learn more here.

“Recovering financial independence after struggling with substance abuse is a crucial step to recovery.” Learn more here.



International Domestic Violence Hotlines

Domestic violence numbers are on the rise with #ShelterInPlace orders during the pandemic of Covid-19.  Also known as #StayAtHome orders, these put victims of domestic violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse and sexual violence at a higher risk. The home may be the most dangerous place for many people.

“Do not give up. Help is available. Make a safety plan to escape. Make a phone call.”~CL Valens, Domestic Violence Survivor 

International Domestic Violence Lines:

US: 800-799-7233

Americans overseas: 833-SAFE-833 or 1-866-879-6636

UK: 0808-2000-247

Canada: 866-863-0511

Mexico: 01800-422-5256           

Australia: 180 -737-732          

New Zealand: 0800-733-843 

India: 8793088814  

China:  010-68333388                    

South Africa: (+27 11) 715-2000

Brazil: 1: +55-51-211-2888 

Argentina:  0800-666-8537         

Puerto Rico:   787-765-2285        

Dominican Republic:  809-200-1202

Click here for other international hotlines 

Donation Perks-1st Annual Golden Tangerine Innov-E Film Awards

Help us reach our goal to help provide positive creativity in our youth. Please donate to The Golden Tangerine Innov-E Film Awards:
Special Perks for Donating
Donation of $20 USD:
  • Thank You on social media
Donation of $50 USD:
  • Thank You on social media
  • Exclusive link to the 1st place movie
Donation of $100 USD + shipping for the T-shirt:
  • Thank You on social media
  • Exclusive link to the 1st place movie
  • Golden Tangerine Innov-E Film Award T-shirt

The role of stigma in domestic violence

“We can all work together to raise awareness and reduce domestic violence.”

C.L. Valens, Innov-E Foundation’s Executive Director, was featured recently in internationally known Healing Stigma’s blog: The role of stigma in domestic violence: How one survivor left an abusive marriage & is now helping others.

Trigger warning: “I was slowly dying inside, crying every day, and my health was failing.”

“….the man behind the smile was a brutally different person.”

As a survivor of domestic violence, CL’s mission in life is to help other survivors heal from abuse and take their life back. Her book, “Domestic Violence Survivor Handbook, Steps to Freedom” is the just the beginning of CL’s many ways she is helping victims become survivors.


#spousalabuse #domesticviolence #stopthestigma #domesticabuse


Online Shopping can Support Innov-E Foundation

Did you know your online shopping can support Innov-E Foundation Inc.?

By signing up with our new fundraising partner, Ziggedy, you will generate donations to Innov-E Foundation Inc. every time you shop online from stores like Amazon, Walmart, Target, and Nordstrom, at no additional cost to you!

How does it work?

When you click through Ziggedy before you shop, an average of 2.5% (up to 30% depending on the retailer) of your purchase price will be donated to Innov-E Foundation Inc., without costing you one extra penny!

Getting started is easy and support Innov-E Foundation Inc. every time you shop online, please take a moment to create your Ziggedy account at:




To learn more about Innov-E Foundation go to our website: Innov-e Foundation.

#innovef #specialneedsyouth #empoweringyouth #filmindustry #worldyouth #visualartsnonprofit #501c3nonprofit

Take Youth by the Hand and Lead Them

Taking the hand of a child

When you see a child, take them by the hand and lead them to a future they never imagined they could never had. At Innov-E Foundation, this is what we are endeavoring to do.  It could be a teen in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, or anywhere else in the world or a child with special needs that might not even be able to communicate. All these children need an opportunity to find their niche in life or find a way to put some of their energy into a productive way by acting, writing, singing, photography, film producer or film director. We want to help children, no matter their financial, physical or mental capability to that chance.


We are in preliminary planning stages of holding an online and live art auction in South Florida and we need finances to do this.  We are a new non-profit and we want to help artists from the Caribbean get exposure for their paintings as well as raise funds for our next project. Right now we need $6500.  If you would like to help the future youth of our country and the world, take the time to go to our website and donate to Innov-E Foundation. Qualified donations are tax-deductible.



“The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation.”

~Ray L. Wilbur, third president of Stanford University

Creativity, Film and Youth in Developing Nations

BuccaneerOut of the world’s total population, 85% live in developing nations. Sixty percent of those live in the Asian region, while the birth rate in developing nations is presenting a negative growth rate. Yet 66% of the youth in the world live in countries that show a per capita income of less than one thousand (USD$1,000) dollars per year!

One would ask, “What do world youth desire?” A report for the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs reveals that they want opportunities to develop a sense of independence, competence and participation in society.  However, there exists an estimated one billion illiterates in the world and women account for 66% (UN Report on Global Situations of Youth); such situations has led to studies on depression and suicide in developing nations by the W.H.O. that reveal that 75% of all suicides are committed by females.

Innov-E Foundation sought to identify a consensus of actions to be implemented worldwide in order to better environment, enhance competencies and secure active participation in society and it appears that it must include:

  1. Creation of safe and supporting environment
  2. Provide Information
  3. Build Skills
  4. Provide Counseling

To contribute to the process of nurturing creativity as a basis to the building of skills, and having learned that 50% of the world population have a mobile phone and that an increasing percentage of that total is of “smart phones”, providing video and photographic capabilities,  Innov-E will provide specific information on creative use of audiovisual capabilities of mobile devices; encourage skill building in movie creation as a vehicle of expression and facilitate counseling to developing nations and special needs youth.  In such pursuit we endeavor to identify best practices of leading institutions that share the same interest for the youth. One of these is the Sconniewood Film Festival in Wisconsin, which claims that: “Making films in America is one of the most creative outlets young people enjoy today. We believe the process of writing, vision planning, organizing people, project management, art direction, and carrying a project to the end can enhance the positive traits that empower young leaders to become successful. After the work is completed, students will then see how it all comes alive during the festival.”

In 2015, Innov-E Foundation is organizing the first “Developing Nations and Special Needs Youth Film Festival” and to that end, creating lasting opportunities for the talents to be discovered, Innov-E is opening up for contributions for the Film Scholarship Fund. Today, inspiring creative use of mobile devices has progressed from short films to feature films such as “Olive” by Hooman Khalili.

Thus, we invite you to help us bridge the gap, by promoting the waves of creativity in youth and build a better present and future for us all. Please contribute to Innov-E Foundation today. You will be so happy you did!   Thank You!